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Soft and Beautiful Hands at Home

All women want to have soft and gentle hands and if you’re a person who does her manicure at home, this is something you should definitely read. We have chosen these nine at-home manicure must-haves that will make your hands soft, beautiful and fresh.

1. Nail Strengthener
Nail Strengthener is the perfect solution for you if you have weak nails. Apply a thin coat of the product on your nails for four days before you do your home manicure. Before doing your manicure, remove the Nail Strengthener.
2. Soaking Bowl
Prepare your skin and nails before you start doing your manicure. Fill a big bowl with warm water and the soak your hands for 10 minutes.
3. Scrub
After you’ve soaked your hands, remove your dead skin cells. We recommend the Tree Hut Shea Sugar Scrubs. It will gently and naturally exfoliate your dead skin without causing irritation and Shea butter and vitamin C in it will make your skin soft and young.
4. Lotion
After exfoliating, apply a moisturizer on your hands. Carmex Healing Lotion has vitamin E and Aloe in it and it’s the best moisturizer for you. And the best thing is that it also helps heal the damage caused by the environment.

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